Friday, November 1, 2013

catching up

ok so it's been a while since the last time I updated this blog so sorry about that, 
well I thought I'd tell you about this thing I was in last week, well there is a thing here sort  of like girl scout but a little diffrent, and last week I went on a course in order to become a guide, honestly I just wanted to get the autorization to be able to guide large groups so I could get  some jobs over summer vacation, but sure things didn't go as planed and I had so much fun and now I'm guiding a group, I'm starting on tuesday and I'm so nearvous, I really can't wait 
now next order in buisness, doctor who 50th anniversary is 23 day away 
what else? well I havn't had the time to watch Thor the dark world yet and I am really looking for it 

so I'm just gonna go get some homework done and then cry since I don't have time to go see it