Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Zombies, Run! (mostly 5k)

well I've been loving Six to Start&Naomi Alderman  Zombies, run!  since I stupidly bought it about 5 monthes ago
well you must be asking yourself  'But Einav if you love it so much why stupid?'
well have you ever started running with 0% Experience? I did, guess what I got? stress fracture.
yes that's a thing. I'm just going to let you google it for yourselfs
I was unable to train for 2 months (sucks doesn't it?)
well after that I got all better and wanted to get back to train BUT this time I was a bit smarter
I boght the Zombies, Run! 5k and I finished it this week!
Don't worry I won't spoil anything (I'll try)
well Zombies run 5k is one of thee best fitness apps I've seen, I've had the best time training with it, and I used to hate running until I met Zombies run, there isn't much story line like the raguler app but trust me there will be times when you'll be like "how is this even possible????"
it gets you really motivated which if you're like me and need that in a workout you know how priceless it is
I never thoght I'll get this much better in only 8 weeks it used to be impossible to run for 5 minuts stright and now I do it with ease
 5 +\- on 5k training :
+how the stories link (the ones from 5k and regular)
+the look of the app
+the ease in using it
+how motiveting it is
+how fun the story is

-the story on 5k could have been more thrilling (yeah I just used that word)
-you can't use music stright from your phone without making a playlist
-no Jack and Eugene
-can't switch songs
-not enoght fan art (I know it has nothing to do with the app it self but I need more Zombies, Run fan art!!)

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