Friday, May 31, 2013


well! my week went pretty smoth, had a couple of tests (math&english) already know I'm going to get a bad mark on the math one though, feels pretty bad,
well let's move on from the depressed not-like-me-at-all feel

I've started training some of my friends and it is going really good, they are both doing good, the 1st one started a monthe ago and I don't even remamber how we got to the point where we decided that I'm going to train her but we did and it is really fun! and then there was my 2th friend who I wanted to take on my runs for some time now, all in all they are both trying their hardest and I know they're gonna be great!

also I finished my World War Z book and now I've moved for The Time Traveler's Wife, it is pretty good so far I also have to go read the hobbit and then sherlock holmes #2

well hope you'll keep on reading!

the awesomness that is Robert Downey Jr.

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