Wednesday, June 5, 2013



I don't think I had a more stressed time in my life, I had a big science test and had no time to do my running.
so now 4 days after learning like my life depends on it I finaly have some time to relax (I still have my history test which should be pretty easy and then I'm done!)
oh and the test went great, I knew everything on bio and chim but had some probloms in physics, well good thing I won't be taking it next year ha?

I really just want to have a break, go out for some spa day or something relaxing since I'm still feeling on the edge.

oh and I also have my birthday party on June 21, it should be pretty fun and honestly it gets alot of the tension off.
too bad I have to wait untill the end of summer to go on my trip, but I think it's going to be worth it

and also here is a GIF of two cute Youtubers British twins Jack&Finn

you are welcome

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