Saturday, June 15, 2013

everyone leaves!!

not to mantion the fact that the 11th doctor (Matt Smith for you) is leaving (another doctor that leaves you. this is why I have trust issues) but let us review the few goodbyes we had to say latly

let's start with villins (because why not?)

#1 - the awesome and charming Moriarty (Andrew Scott) - still unknown if he is dead or not 
he made every episode that he was in a truely unforgetable one, he's a great actor not to mantion that he makes a strange choise for a phsico. he has such an adorable look which adds so much more to the character

#2 - who could it be but the Master? (John Simm) - like any other doctor who charecter he could return at any point now
ok, he is with out a doubt insane, but give the guy a break he had drums in his ears for the last god knows how long! , he is really dark but yet at the beggining cheerful, you know before he was broght back to life but sort of stopped by his wife who betrayed him. oh and if you are asking your self if that is the last we'll hear of the Master, I think not, really come on, you think they would give up on such an iconic character, not to mantion the fan girls love (MONEYYY) I'm not saying it's a bad thing, honestly I love that charcter like I love most of the doctor who characters

#3 - one of the Vampires who we don't know much about Kol (vampire daireis)- Nathaniel Buzolic
well, he was rather intresting, too bad we didn't get to know too much of him, I think he could have made a good character, maybe it's because he looks so much like Elijah (and come on how could you not love Elijah), ah who knows
oh and he was the only one there who thoght it might be stupid to wake up the first ever vampier

part 2 should come up soon!

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