Saturday, June 8, 2013

Hello Lovelies

well today is finally the week end, remamber from the last post when I told you about the stress because of all the tests? well it was pretty much worth it! I got 95 on bio and I have a pretty good feeling about physics
life is good 

now I'm all about getting ready for my birthday (plus some left over tests) I am really looking for it 
I'm going to make some cupcakes and order some pizza not to mantion the sweets, gonna be a calorie filled party! and we all know those are the best ones ;)
now I just need to get the stuff for it (you know all the baking stuff) 

oh and I'm also waiting for "Pretty Little Liers" to come back on the 18th, ohh Alison 
-I don't want to spoil anything so I'm just gonna  move on- 

also I got a new dress which I think is really cute for summer, it's a white boho chick maxi dress and not all maxi dresses look good on me but this one looks great! too bad I have no idea where to wear it :(

now in an unrelated subject, resone 24 why I love Chris H. 
he makes cute(\awesome) photos like these 
you are welcome

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