Friday, June 21, 2013

they are awesome even if they kind of went crazy

and I'm back!
 well now let's talk some of our loved ones who let's face it went kind of crazy after a while

 #1 the 10th doctor who everyone loves (david tennant)
 well! he was a great doctor (but my heart will always be with the 9th), he is sweet, funny, cute, and let's face it he is so lovable, he is the biggest fanbase, and we met so many villains\monsters through him, he has so many stories and in each one you get to see a new side of him oh but let's face it e did go CRAZY at the end of season 5 (you know before the master came) but you still have to love him

#2 - alaric saltzman (vampire dieries) - Matthew Davis
he is a badass.
not only is he a cute history teacher but he is also a ex-vampire killer
he has a really long story, but he didn't turn crazy by himself he had a lot of help from that original witch
and ladies you can't tell me you wouldn't wish your old smelly history teacher would look like him

well I have no more
I'm just going to do some 10th doctor fav ep maraton now
see you at the next post - we all love them, how could you not??

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