Friday, November 1, 2013

catching up

ok so it's been a while since the last time I updated this blog so sorry about that, 
well I thought I'd tell you about this thing I was in last week, well there is a thing here sort  of like girl scout but a little diffrent, and last week I went on a course in order to become a guide, honestly I just wanted to get the autorization to be able to guide large groups so I could get  some jobs over summer vacation, but sure things didn't go as planed and I had so much fun and now I'm guiding a group, I'm starting on tuesday and I'm so nearvous, I really can't wait 
now next order in buisness, doctor who 50th anniversary is 23 day away 
what else? well I havn't had the time to watch Thor the dark world yet and I am really looking for it 

so I'm just gonna go get some homework done and then cry since I don't have time to go see it 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Doctor who 50th anniversary trailer

oh god I forgot how to breath , that was so amazing I... I usuly hate 1 min trailers but this was so interasting
and all of those amazing shots of the old doctors, and did you see that fez at the first doctor part??
couldn't of found any better gifs to explain how I feel

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


1th of october, I'm loving this month already, I had a math test today and I can finally stop studying so much, after I'm done with this post I'll go get the best nap ever and then I'll make some brownies
but that isn't going to happen quite yet,
well there are a couple of things that make me love this month so bad is The Vampire Diaries finaly coming back.  which means more screen time for a shirtless Ian
and we all love that don't we?

next up is the originals! we all love klaus and elijah, they are both badass, and now they get their own show! this is going to be awesome, can't wait to watch it as well 

and there's shield but it has already started, but we'll still throw it in here, why? because it's awesome 
come on you have to love it, and the nerdy lab guys are probably my favorit thing

also in thhe TV spot is Doctor Who 50th Anniversery which will be a little over a month from now,
really can't wait for it , going to be amazing , plus I'll probably cry my eyes out
oh david.....

now for something other then TV 
both of my best friends are having their birthday this month, which I just can't wait for, I want to make them both a big pretty cake

last thing is that this is the begining of winter! I love winter, sweathers and watching movies in bed with some poopcorn and a blanket 
(by the way all pics are taken from tumblr and we heart it)

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Agents Of Shield

oh my god. OH MY GOD.
this is going to be my new obsession isn't it? well I don't care!
the episode was great!enjoyed it so so much, it sort of reminds me of torchwood for some reason, you know not by plot but by the vibe,
well back to agents of shield, it was pure awesomness, coulson was so awesome!

and there were those two leb nerd who I am in love with them and I ship them so so so much 
I mean that's totaly how I'd act when I grow up 
I want them to be a couple so so badly

there was also that badass pilot, and that really really hot agent

well this is going to be a hell og a show 

Monday, September 16, 2013

didn't see the pretty little liars end? DO NOT LOOK. SPOILER.

Oh my dear god.
I trusted Pretty little liars to not do this to me.
I got Moffet for this crap!!
Ezra? Really?
I know I'm a bit late and honestly I shouldn't even know it yet, I was having a debate with a girl from this ambulance place I volunteer at and this was after the argument on who do I think is red coat and who do I think is A, she looked me in the eyes after she knew 100% I did not know this, and with all her evilness said 'of course you don't think that, you didn't see that Ezra is -A'
I'm sure my mouth was open so widely you could get on elephant in there
I'm not going to even tell you how disappointed I am, because honestly I'm not, I mean this was the best twist there could ever be.
Once again I'm in an abusive relationship with a writer, first Moffet who once he made sure you loved a character he would dedicate a spacial to kill her\him\them. And now this!
I see a pattern. And a really not pretty one.
I don't even know how to end this.

I'm just....

Friday, July 5, 2013

birthday and some other stuff

hey it's finally the week end!, so how was your 4th of july? I hope it was much better then mine, I didn't do anything since I had to go to some summer courses (sucks doesn't it???)
well at least I can take comfort of the fact that my birthday is 2 days from now

I'm pretty much looking for it, me and my friends will go to a burgers resturant and then go get our hair and nails done! I just can't wait for that!

well. I just finished watching the last vampire dairies ep. and come on I hate when they do those sort of stuff!!! keep everything still open and make a main character do something big and then they're like
 'oh yeah we're going on a break, so f*** you, see you in 3 monthes'

at least you can count on the doctor not to do that.

ok I'm show skipping, but come on you know I'm right about it.
and this is just a random gif I fell inlove with

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


I haven't posted for a while, that's because I didn't have the time, I mean it is summer and I should have a ton of free time but I'm trying not to sit inront of the screen that often.
which is good. I'm trying to make the best out of this summer since I'm sure I won't have the time next year (too bad)
well I'm almost cought up on the vampire dairies, just one more ep to go. talking about catching up what about that pretty little liers new season?? (azraaaaaaa)
Ok I think I have to stop here since I'll probably spoil you lot to death. and we don't want that now do we?
and I also started watching life on mars, yeah I'm talking about that old british TV show, It looks good so far and I hope it'll get even better.
now I just need to find some more tv shows to watch and I'll be good (anything with Ian somerhalder or some other really cute guy\really awesome actor will be good)

Friday, June 21, 2013

they are awesome even if they kind of went crazy

and I'm back!
 well now let's talk some of our loved ones who let's face it went kind of crazy after a while

 #1 the 10th doctor who everyone loves (david tennant)
 well! he was a great doctor (but my heart will always be with the 9th), he is sweet, funny, cute, and let's face it he is so lovable, he is the biggest fanbase, and we met so many villains\monsters through him, he has so many stories and in each one you get to see a new side of him oh but let's face it e did go CRAZY at the end of season 5 (you know before the master came) but you still have to love him

#2 - alaric saltzman (vampire dieries) - Matthew Davis
he is a badass.
not only is he a cute history teacher but he is also a ex-vampire killer
he has a really long story, but he didn't turn crazy by himself he had a lot of help from that original witch
and ladies you can't tell me you wouldn't wish your old smelly history teacher would look like him

well I have no more
I'm just going to do some 10th doctor fav ep maraton now
see you at the next post - we all love them, how could you not??

Saturday, June 15, 2013

everyone leaves!!

not to mantion the fact that the 11th doctor (Matt Smith for you) is leaving (another doctor that leaves you. this is why I have trust issues) but let us review the few goodbyes we had to say latly

let's start with villins (because why not?)

#1 - the awesome and charming Moriarty (Andrew Scott) - still unknown if he is dead or not 
he made every episode that he was in a truely unforgetable one, he's a great actor not to mantion that he makes a strange choise for a phsico. he has such an adorable look which adds so much more to the character

#2 - who could it be but the Master? (John Simm) - like any other doctor who charecter he could return at any point now
ok, he is with out a doubt insane, but give the guy a break he had drums in his ears for the last god knows how long! , he is really dark but yet at the beggining cheerful, you know before he was broght back to life but sort of stopped by his wife who betrayed him. oh and if you are asking your self if that is the last we'll hear of the Master, I think not, really come on, you think they would give up on such an iconic character, not to mantion the fan girls love (MONEYYY) I'm not saying it's a bad thing, honestly I love that charcter like I love most of the doctor who characters

#3 - one of the Vampires who we don't know much about Kol (vampire daireis)- Nathaniel Buzolic
well, he was rather intresting, too bad we didn't get to know too much of him, I think he could have made a good character, maybe it's because he looks so much like Elijah (and come on how could you not love Elijah), ah who knows
oh and he was the only one there who thoght it might be stupid to wake up the first ever vampier

part 2 should come up soon!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Beach Day!

I had a great beach day with my good friend, it was really fun, we ate too much calories (which was totally worth it), not to mention the fact that I didn't get burned,
to sum this up, it was great and I'm getting ready to leave for my end-of-the-year-sort-of-party-thing

ohh and I got 90 on my physics test! and 95 on Bio 
life is goooooodddd

Monday, June 10, 2013

my photos!

well, on wednesday there is a big ending event at this place I go to, I have learned photography and some Biology there, and my photos will be shown there (I'm kind of excited)
so I thought I'd give you a sneak peek on my favorits 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Hello Lovelies

well today is finally the week end, remamber from the last post when I told you about the stress because of all the tests? well it was pretty much worth it! I got 95 on bio and I have a pretty good feeling about physics
life is good 

now I'm all about getting ready for my birthday (plus some left over tests) I am really looking for it 
I'm going to make some cupcakes and order some pizza not to mantion the sweets, gonna be a calorie filled party! and we all know those are the best ones ;)
now I just need to get the stuff for it (you know all the baking stuff) 

oh and I'm also waiting for "Pretty Little Liers" to come back on the 18th, ohh Alison 
-I don't want to spoil anything so I'm just gonna  move on- 

also I got a new dress which I think is really cute for summer, it's a white boho chick maxi dress and not all maxi dresses look good on me but this one looks great! too bad I have no idea where to wear it :(

now in an unrelated subject, resone 24 why I love Chris H. 
he makes cute(\awesome) photos like these 
you are welcome

Wednesday, June 5, 2013



I don't think I had a more stressed time in my life, I had a big science test and had no time to do my running.
so now 4 days after learning like my life depends on it I finaly have some time to relax (I still have my history test which should be pretty easy and then I'm done!)
oh and the test went great, I knew everything on bio and chim but had some probloms in physics, well good thing I won't be taking it next year ha?

I really just want to have a break, go out for some spa day or something relaxing since I'm still feeling on the edge.

oh and I also have my birthday party on June 21, it should be pretty fun and honestly it gets alot of the tension off.
too bad I have to wait untill the end of summer to go on my trip, but I think it's going to be worth it

and also here is a GIF of two cute Youtubers British twins Jack&Finn

you are welcome

Friday, May 31, 2013


well! my week went pretty smoth, had a couple of tests (math&english) already know I'm going to get a bad mark on the math one though, feels pretty bad,
well let's move on from the depressed not-like-me-at-all feel

I've started training some of my friends and it is going really good, they are both doing good, the 1st one started a monthe ago and I don't even remamber how we got to the point where we decided that I'm going to train her but we did and it is really fun! and then there was my 2th friend who I wanted to take on my runs for some time now, all in all they are both trying their hardest and I know they're gonna be great!

also I finished my World War Z book and now I've moved for The Time Traveler's Wife, it is pretty good so far I also have to go read the hobbit and then sherlock holmes #2

well hope you'll keep on reading!

the awesomness that is Robert Downey Jr.

Friday, May 3, 2013

snow white for a wedding

trying to find a nice dress for my aunts wedding 
so it's either snow white or the green one 
no, no, I am kidding but I think I'll go with the green one
tell me this wasn't the most amazing ppost up until now!
hey but how funny would it be if I went to her wedding as snow white
my cousins would of adore me.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

I'm sick

sick in the end of april, that's so like me! 
well at least I have time to catch up to Vampire Dairies , yeah some of you might think it's a stupid show but the villains there are so awesome 
not to mantion Ian Somerhalder, I just love how once every couple of shows they make him be shirtless 
well after that I have to watch the new Doctor who ep. which I can't wait but you know, one show at a time.
oh and here is a little gift for anyone who is watching this post : 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Zombies, Run! (mostly 5k)

well I've been loving Six to Start&Naomi Alderman  Zombies, run!  since I stupidly bought it about 5 monthes ago
well you must be asking yourself  'But Einav if you love it so much why stupid?'
well have you ever started running with 0% Experience? I did, guess what I got? stress fracture.
yes that's a thing. I'm just going to let you google it for yourselfs
I was unable to train for 2 months (sucks doesn't it?)
well after that I got all better and wanted to get back to train BUT this time I was a bit smarter
I boght the Zombies, Run! 5k and I finished it this week!
Don't worry I won't spoil anything (I'll try)
well Zombies run 5k is one of thee best fitness apps I've seen, I've had the best time training with it, and I used to hate running until I met Zombies run, there isn't much story line like the raguler app but trust me there will be times when you'll be like "how is this even possible????"
it gets you really motivated which if you're like me and need that in a workout you know how priceless it is
I never thoght I'll get this much better in only 8 weeks it used to be impossible to run for 5 minuts stright and now I do it with ease
 5 +\- on 5k training :
+how the stories link (the ones from 5k and regular)
+the look of the app
+the ease in using it
+how motiveting it is
+how fun the story is

-the story on 5k could have been more thrilling (yeah I just used that word)
-you can't use music stright from your phone without making a playlist
-no Jack and Eugene
-can't switch songs
-not enoght fan art (I know it has nothing to do with the app it self but I need more Zombies, Run fan art!!)

ok let's get this started - fast intro

well this is my first post, this is going to be a very random blog, since I don't think I could ever blog on just one topic I thoght why not blog when ever I feel like on what ever I feel like?
I got some plans for this blog, it'll be fun